A TFP or TFCD is a situation where a model and photographer trade services for their mutual benefit. The most common reason is to create images that both parties can use to promote themselves.
Everyone has their own ideas of how a TFP session should be structured. It is important that you discuss arrangements with your photographer prior to the shoot. You should have a clear understanding of what is expected of you, and what you should receive in return. Never assume something because "that's how TFP always works!"
The two most common reasons for me to shoot TFP is either that it will generate images that I want to promote my business, or because I would like to try something new.
If I turn you down for TFP, it does not mean that you are not a wonderful model, it just means that I already have similar images in my portfolio, or the session would not generate images that I can use (they may be great images, just not useful to me and my market).
You will have an enjoyable experience and will get amazing images for your personal enjoyment or you can use them to promote your modeling career.
I believe that a successful TFP session yields the images that both parties want. Sometimes we want the same images, and sometimes the images I need are not the same as the images you need. I want to make sure we get the images you want so you are as happy with the results as I am.
My photo sessions are fun. The most common remark I get is how strange it is to work on a set where no one is yelling and everyone is enjoying themselves.
You can find examples of my work in portfolio section of this site.
Within 10 days of the shoot, I will have web viewable proofs of most images available for your review on a web site (I discard the obvious duds). You can take up to four weeks to review these image and let me know which images you want (normally 5 to 10 depending on the project). I'll retouched your selected images and put full resolution JPEGs on CD for you within 2 to 3 weeks. I'm happy to provide prints if you prefer (I provide either a CD or Prints, but not both). If you choose a CD, you can have the JPEGs printed anywhere. If you like, I can provide professional printing for a small fee. For best results please use a professional photo lab, and not your local drugstore.
Depending on the project, I may provide a MUA (Make Up Artist) and wardrobe. If I don't mention either of these in our discussions, they will not be provided.
Click here to download a copy of my TFP agreement. You should read this agreement before you arrive a the shoot. It spells out how many images you will get, and what you can do with those images.
You must sign a model release when you arrive. Click here for my standard TFP/TFCD model release.
If you have any issues with the release, please let me know well before the shoot.
You will need to bring a government issued photo ID (like a driver's license or passport) that shows you are over 18. I will make a copy of the ID for my files.
I expect you to arrive on time ready to work. I understand that in the real world there are sometimes problems. If anything comes up that will prevent, or may prevent, you from being here on time and ready to work, I expect you to contact me as soon as possible and let me know what the situation is. If you will be late (i.e. unexpected traffic jam, or flat tire) I expect you to call me and let me know your status.
If I will be providing a MUA, you will be provided with instructions as to how to prepare. If you will be doing your own makeup (or bringing your own MUA) I need to know if you will be arriving in makeup, or will be applying makeup after your arrival. If you will be applying makeup after your arrival, I will need an estimate as to how much time you need.
You are welcome to bring an escort if you like, as long as you let me know in advance. I ask is that it not be your boyfriend, and that the escort stay quietly out of the way while we work. Depending on the project, I may have a MUA present for the shoot.
For maternity shoots, you may bring the father along. Please let me know ahead of time.
I need to know how you look in order to plan the shoot. How much I need to know depends on the specifics of the shoot.
Generally I need to know your measurements, height and weight, and skin color. Also the color and style of your hair. I need to know about any tatoos, piercings, tan lines and scars.
If the shoot involves nudity, we need to have a discussion ahead of time so that you are aware of the level of nudity required, and I am aware of your concerns and limitations.
I will need your cell phone number in case I need to contact you at the last minute (i.e. the MUA is delayed so you do not need to rush).
I try to have snacks and food on hand. If you have any preferences, let me know ahead of time, I will try to stock up for you.
The above is how I typically structure my TFP sessions. If there is anything above that you are uncomfortable with, please let me know. We can discuss the issue and see if we can find a compromise that works for both of us.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at my studio. You can reach me during business hours at 305-673-5200.
The address of my Studio is:
Neuco Image Group, Inc.
529 Michigan Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139
I recommend you come to Miami Beach via the MacArthur Causeway (I-395). When you reach Miami Beach, stay in the middle lane, and go straight. This brings you onto 5th street. Proceed two blocks to Michigan Avenue (There's a Marathon Oil gas station at the NE corner). Turn left (North) and park on street. We are in the first building on the right, just past the gas station.
The studio is up one flight of stairs. There is no elevator.
The studio phone number is 305-673-5200 (this is a land line and doesn't accept text messages)
Please call and let me know if you need additional directions or are running late.
Studio: 529 Michigan Avenue • Miami Beach, FL 33139 • Hours by Appointment
305.673.5200 • studio@michaelfryd.com
Purchase Fine Art Prints at michael-fryd.pixels.com
Copyright © 2024, Michael Fryd. All rights reserved.