Our Studio

Located in the heart of South Beach, our studio has just what we need to make great images.

Visits to the studio are by appointment only.

Our business office is at 523 Michigan Avenue,.  Our studio is right next door at 529 Michigan Avenue.

Neuco Image Group, Inc. - Studio
529 Michigan Avenue, 2nd Floor
Miami Beach, FL 33139

Directions to Our Studio

We recommend you come to Miami Beach via the MacArthur Causeway (I-395). When you reach Miami Beach, stay in the middle lane, and go straight. This brings you onto 5th street. Proceed two blocks to Michigan Avenue. There's a Marathon Oil gas station on the NE corner. Turn left (North) and park on street just past the gas station. We are in the first building on the right, just past the gas station.

There are metered parking spaces in front of our building.  About half a block away there is free weekday daytime parking along 6th street. If all else fails, there is a parking garage one block West of us in the Fifth and Alton Building (entrance on Lenox Avenue between 5th and 6th streets)

The studio is up one flight of stairs. There is no elevator.

The studio phone number is 305-673-5200

Please call and let us know if you need additional directions or are running late.

Studio: 529 Michigan Avenue • Miami Beach, FL 33139 • Hours by Appointment

305.673.5200 • studio@michaelfryd.com

Purchase Fine Art Prints at michael-fryd.pixels.com

Copyright © 2024, Michael Fryd.  All rights reserved.